1610 West Yosemite, Suite #1, Manteca, CA 95337
Phone: (209) 824-7466 - Fax: (209) 824-7510
Oakland A's game 2009!
Thanks to all of you who came out to our A's game event this year!  Check out the
slideshow of the game (A's vs Rangers) on August 5th!  Between Dr. Duong and
Trosien (her husband, an orthodontist in Tracy) we gave away 400 tickets to our patients
to join us for tailgating and a great game!

If the slideshow does not play below (as it might for Internet Explorer users) click
Duong, ortho, orthodontia, braces, damon,
specialist, invisalign, orthodontics,
orthodontist,Orthodontics, manteca, best, premier,